Contact Details
Tel : 021 948 8784
Fax : 021 948 8785
No. 4 Neutron St
If you want us to "MAKE IT
HAPPEN" for your
merchandise, whatever it
might be, just click here and we will get right
back to you. |
Welcome to B&G Displays Online! |
B&G Displays (Pty) Ltd was
established in 1983 and has
grown steadily over the years
to become one of the major
players in the Point of
Purchase Manufacturing.
Whether it be condoms, corn
plasters, batteries, bra's,
wine or window cleaner.
All items manufactured are customized to meet the clients needs.
We offer in house design, with the emphasis on the development
of original, cost-effective and eye-catching display units.
We work with various materials, including wire, sheet metal,
steel tubing, plastics, wood and screen prints.
Besides trading under our own name, we also supply the
steel components for many Point of Sale/Cost of Sale
manufacturers in SA who do not do metal fabrication with
the result that examples of our work can be seen in just
about every retail outlet in the R.S.A. |
We have designed, manufactured and distributed display units for all of these and many
others over the years. Our by-line is "WE MAKE IT HAPPEN" and pride ourselves on doing
just that.
Each client has their own particular needs and limitations, but without fail they all need
someone to "MAKE IT HAPPEN" and that is exactly what we do for all our clients whether
they be market leaders or a fledgling home industry. |